Advertising Rates
Display Ad Rate: $6.20 per column inch
Color Rate: Call for info
Website Ads: Call for info
Benefit Ads (2x3): $33
Streamers & Banner (6x2):
Streamers limited to the classified pages only. (First come, first serve. Limit two per week.)
Front page full color banner available for $200.
Business Directory:
Ads are approximately 2 inches x 2 inches. There is no guarantee placement of ads. Changes can be made at any time.
3 months $125
6 months $175
12 months $235
Classified Ads:
$6 for the first 20 words and an additional 20 cents per word after that. Minimum $6/week
Classified Boxed Ads: $6.50 per inch
Classified Display Ads: $7 per inch (includes logos and pictures)
Rummage Sale Ads:
20 cents per additional word
Obituaries & Death Notices:
Notice......................No Charge
(Name, Age, Town, Date of Death)
Full Obituary (includes photo).............$55
Service (with picture).......$6.50
Celebrations (Birth announcements, weddings, engagements, birthdays, generations picture, etc)
Article with photo.....................$15
Card of Thanks - 20¢ per word. Minimum $6.
Preprinted Insert Rates
10 cents per insert
(To meet postal requirements inserts can not
be larger than 7 inches by 11 inches folded)
Total Inserts needed for primary market area: 1,800
(Primary market area includes Bottineau County,
eastern Rolette and northern McHenry counties.)
Total Inserts needed for full run: 2,300
Deadline: Thursday at 5 p.m.
Color Rate: Call for info
Website Ads: Call for info
Benefit Ads (2x3): $33
Streamers & Banner (6x2):
Streamers limited to the classified pages only. (First come, first serve. Limit two per week.)
Front page full color banner available for $200.
Business Directory:
Ads are approximately 2 inches x 2 inches. There is no guarantee placement of ads. Changes can be made at any time.
3 months $125
6 months $175
12 months $235
Classified Ads:
$6 for the first 20 words and an additional 20 cents per word after that. Minimum $6/week
Classified Boxed Ads: $6.50 per inch
Classified Display Ads: $7 per inch (includes logos and pictures)
Rummage Sale Ads:
20 cents per additional word
Obituaries & Death Notices:
Notice......................No Charge
(Name, Age, Town, Date of Death)
Full Obituary (includes photo).............$55
Service (with picture).......$6.50
Celebrations (Birth announcements, weddings, engagements, birthdays, generations picture, etc)
Article with photo.....................$15
Card of Thanks - 20¢ per word. Minimum $6.
Preprinted Insert Rates
10 cents per insert
(To meet postal requirements inserts can not
be larger than 7 inches by 11 inches folded)
Total Inserts needed for primary market area: 1,800
(Primary market area includes Bottineau County,
eastern Rolette and northern McHenry counties.)
Total Inserts needed for full run: 2,300
Deadline: Thursday at 5 p.m.